We divert textile waste from landfill and ensure it gets recycled
We also sell materials and products made from recycled textile waste

Our impact
We try our best to be as conscious as possible about every aspect of our business operations

Zero waste process.
We aim to generate as little waste as possible in our business operations. We mainly generate plastic and paper waste from the collection of textile waste.
Therefore, in addition to recycling the textile waste that we collect, we also recycle all of the plastic and paper waste that we generate in the recycling process.
We also make sure to recycle any other waste generated in our office and warehouse including paper, plastic, glass and tin. We currently do not recycle our organic waste and are in the process of finding a suitable recycler for this waste.

Energy efficiency and carbon emissions.
All of the equipment we use in our factory is optimised for energy efficiency, with a preference for electric forklifts and hydraulic balers.
Our textile recycling supply chain is currently localised within South Africa. We are constantly working on improving our current logistics networks, to decrease the impact that transportation has on carbon emissions in our textile recycling process.
Our recycled fabric is made using an energy-efficient mechanical recycling process, as opposed to chemical recycling which is an energy-intensive process.
Our recycled fabric is manufactured in India. We are aware of the carbon emission impact of the supply chain for our recycled fabric and are constantly working hard at localizing the production of the fabric in South Africa in order to decrease its carbon emission impact.

Responsible packaging.
We encourage clients to re-use old plastic bags (which we recycle) to store their textile waste in preparation for textile waste collection.
In addition to this, we provide clients with re-usable polypropylene bags for all on-site sorting operations. Lastly, for the packaging of our bales of textile waste, we use preloved cardboard boxes.
For the sale of our 100% recycled fabric we package it in recyclable boxes for our clients. We encourage our clients responsibly dispose of this packaging and ensure it is recycled. Our logistics partner requires the use of plastic packaging for orders which is regrettably non-recyclable. We are aware of this constraint and are constantly seeking sustainable packaging alternatives.
Ethical labor compliance
All employees are employed in compliance with the Basic Employment Act of South Africa.
Moreover, Rewoven is committed to social transformation and inclusion:
1. Rewoven is a Level 1 BEE company;
2. 89% of our staff identify as Black. 11% of our staff identify as Coloured. Our team comprises of 100% people of colour (POC).
3. 29% of our staff are people who identify as women and 0% are people who identify as differently-abled. We are aware that there is more room for improvement and are constantly working towards making sure Rewoven is an inclusive organization.
4. Our staff has access to food, protective gear, training and upskilling; and a wellness program that allows them free access to mental health services.
5. We are registered for the Compensation Injuries and Disease Act (COIDA) for our team.

Gentle manufacturing process.
Our recycled fabric requires no virgin material as it is completely made from waste-products: 60% textile waste and 40% plastic waste.
Additionally, the manufacturing process requires no dyeing or additional chemicals - the colour of the fabric is the same as the colour of the textile waste used as an input. This means our fabric requires no water to manufacture.
Our fabric does release micro-plastics due to the presence of polyester. We recommend using laundry bags (such as the Brabantia washing set available in South Africa) to reduce the release of micro-plastics. Scientifically approved micro-plastic preventing laundry bags such as the Guppyfriend are not yet available in South Africa. We are constantly doing research and product development work that seeks to replace polyester or eliminate the release of micro-plastics from our product.
Environmental certification for our fabric.
We have worked very closely with our fabric supplier and have chosen a supplier we trust. Our fabric is made in full compliance with local and international labour and trade laws.
Our recycled fabric is certified by the following organisations:
Global Recycling Standard (GRS)
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)
Fairtrade and STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX.

Provide education on circularity and sustainability.
Future of Fashion Indaba is our non-profit initiative that provides education on circularity and ethics in the clothing industry to all stakeholders in the South African value chain. The aim is to facilitate an ecosystem of collaborative learning that can contribute to the development of a thriving, ethical and future-fit African fashion industry.
Since 2019, we have hosted 933 individuals to learn for free on circular textiles in Africa.
For the hosting of Future of Fashion Indaba, we ensure that we:
1. Host a low-impact event ensuring all waste generated is recycled, and opting for natural, reusable and recyclable event decor and vegan meal options;
2. Ensure diversity and inclusivity in our program with a particular focus on ensuring the inclusion of people who do not identify as cishet men, people who identify as Black, Indigenous and other People of Colour (BIPOC), youth (ages 18 - 35) and people who identify as differently-abled;
3. Compensate all service providers and creatives fairly;
Have a collaborative approach towards knowledge generation: Seek out local and global collaborations and partnerships in knowledge generation;
4. Democratise all educational resources and ensure they are accessible.